Our Mission

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide academic excellence in a confident Islamic atmosphere and a quality learning environment to build and develop an integrated Islamic identity.

The school – consisting of students, teachers and parents – promotes spiritual and moral values consistent with respect and good citizenship within the Canadian society.

Our Strengths

  • Private, Not-for-profit
  • High academic performance standards and Small class sizes
  • Completely follows the Ontario Ministry of Education academic curriculum that starts at JK and covers Junior high school, i.e. up to grade 10
  • Ongoing academic monitoring and assessment via ministry and other standardized exams
  • Surpasses Ontario Standards in EQAO testing for all subjects (reading, writing and mathematics)
  • Private school discipline and work ethics
  • Qualified, dedicated, and caring teachers providing continuous monitoring of student progress
  • Innovative holistic education programs and a variety of activities and learning experiences
  • Islamic environment promoting good morals and behavior
  • Islamic education including Quran and Fiqh (Jurisprudence) according to the Shia Ithna Asheri teachings of Ahlul-Bayt (AS) and weekly group prayer (salaat Jama3a)
  • Arabic Language taught by native speakers
  • French as a second language starting from JK
  • Full-day JK and SK programs, with daily French language periods
  • Enrichment and remediation as field trips and active sports program and Lunch hour interest clubs
  • In operation since 2002 with a solid reputation